Saturday, January 5, 2008

Rip It! Rip It Good! duh na na na na

Well, yesterday at the airport on the way home, I decided to work again on the Secret Of The Stole - II Swatch.  I pulled out my yarn, noticed I had completed a row and went to check the pattern. 

Uh oh... I only marked half of a row (Row 7) and didn't note if I did the K5, P35, K5 row.  So I foolishly didn't count my stitches to make sure I was good, and started a K5, P35, K5 row, then started on Pattern row 9.

(If you are curious about that which I write and want to see the swatch pattern PLEASE feel free to visit the Secret Of The Stole - II site, sign-up, and download the instructions).

When I got to the end of Row 9, I had about 4 or 5 more Knit stitches to do... Ugh.... And I was only at 44 stitches.  So I started ripping it back a row.  Got that done and counted.

40 stitches... HOW in the heck did I do that???  Oh well.  It was too late to call Mom, and I didn't have any free wireless Internet at the Las Vegas airport to check on things.  So I ripped the swatch completely out, wrapped it around my small ball of yarn and put everything back in my Dell Knitting Bag (actually an old laptop bag that expands, but it's black and looks like a manly bag).

After 4 hours of sleep (got to bed at 3:30 AM after our redeye flights), 4 hours of Dance Rehearsal for my daughter, errands, lunch, and 4 hours of nap (We were really tired) I got a hold of Mom.  Man, Mom sure has all the answers to my knitting woes.

"Did you hold on to your yarnovers?" she asks.

I'm such a n00b knitter.

Here I write, "Confessions of a n00b knitter", tunes of Devo's "Whip It" going through my head as "Rip It! Rip It Good! duh na na na na".

Nite All.

P.S. - For Your Listening and Viewing Pleasure, We Present "Whip It" by Devo courtesy of  NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Secret of the Stole II - A KAL

So I thought I would put some more information about the stole I'm knitting up on the site.

I found it by clicking many links until I came to The Nautical Knitter's site. There I saw a link to a KAL (Knit-A-Long). I didn't know what that was so I clicked. Be careful when you click. You don't know what you might get yourself into :).

Nautical Knitter, and the new site KnitWith.Us, is run and maintained by DK and her husband Mr. K. The new site is full of knitting tips, videos and posts. It is well worth the visit.

Secret Of The Stole - II (sots-ii) is the KAL I joined. My previous posts have dealt with my knitting this stole. This KAL starts on Jan. 18, 2008. DK will post hints and parts of the pattern (in chart form) which we will then knit. So far DK has provided swatch instructions so we can get used to knitting the particular stitches kneeded in this stole. I am really enjoying knitting this swatch. I just need more time to knit :). Take care all.