Monday, December 10, 2007

Guys Who Knit?

Hi all,

I am a Guy Who Knits. My mother reminded me a while ago that she taught me when I was young. When my daughter went through a plastic surgery revision a couple of summers ago, my mother taught/retaught us all: my daughter, my wife, and myself. I knitted a couple of scarves, a couple of pot holders, and I am in the midst of a shawl for my wife (which I started Dec. 06, and it is STILL not done yet).

I'm starting this blog to find other Guys Who Knit. It *is* a relaxing hobby. It can be a bit expensive, but I get much more satisfaction out of seeing how people love and appreciate the knitted gifts than I care about how much the yarn or needles cost.

I also joined a KAL (Knit-A-Long) called Secret of the Stole II. Portions of the stole (a shawl for us guys) are given out in little clues and you knit them as you go. This KAL starts on 01-01-08, so if you want to try it out (it is beginner to intermediate in complexity) then join the Yahoo Group.

As I complete projects I'll post pictures of them here so everyone can see how a Guy Who Knits actually does.

Take care all.


Grammy Pooh said...

Well,this is the mother to taught Will to knit. He is a good knitter. If there is any thing I can help with let me know - Grammy Pooh

Nautical Knitter said...

Welcome to the Secret of the Stole II group! Glad you could join and I am looking forward to seeing photos of your progress... 38 days and counting...

2trees said...

Have you seen this site?